
Some evidence that an oral preparation of superoxide dismutase can reduce DNA damage following a single hyperbaric oxygen exposure in volunteers

Clinical bottom line:

1. Some evidence that oral superoxide dismutase taken for two weeks prior to a single exposure to HBO can reduce DNA damage. Clinical significance unknown.


1. Muth CM, Glenz Y, Klaus M, Radermacher P, Speit G, Leverve X. Influence of an orally effective SOD on hyperbaric oxygen-related cell damage. Free Radic Res. 2004 Sep;38(9):927-32.
Lead author's name and fax: Clause Muth:

Three-part Clinical Question:For patients having hyperbaric oxygen therapy, does the oral ingetion of superoxide dismutase, compared to no such ingestion, result in a measureable antioxidant protection?
Search Terms: Antioxidant, superoxide dismutase, volunteers

The Study:
Double-blinded concealed randomised controlled trial with intention-to-treat.
The Study Patients: Healthy volunteer divers
Control group (N = 10; 9 analysed): A single exposure to 100% oxygen breathing at at 2.5 ATA for 60 minutes and two placebo capsules each day (containing only the vehicle) for 14 days prior to HBO.
Experimental group (N = 10; 8 analysed): As above, but the capsules contained a wheat gliadin to allow oral ingestion and 500 IU of superoxide dismutase each.

The Evidence:

Non-Event Outcomes

Time to outcomes

Placebo group

SOD group


Tail moment on COMET assay. Median and IQR

After HBO

0.42 (0.33 to 0.53)

0.32 (0.26 to 0.34)


Plasma isoprostane levels (pg/ml). Median and IQR

After HBO

22.3 (14.2 to 34.9)

14.0 (12.9 to 14.9)



1. Very small study - underpowered with no discussion of sample size calculation.
2. The groups began with non-significant baseline differences in a number of parameters including tail moment.
3. No evidence of any effect on the concentration of oxidised glutathione (a marker of lipid peroxidation); glutathione peroxidase or catalase activity.
4. Authors only measured outcomes after a single exposure - the relevance for a course of HBOT remains unclear.
5. Given the emerging understanding of the role of HBO in decreasing pathological chronic inflammatory changes, the wisdom of using antioxidants in this setting is not clear.

Appraised by: Michael Bennett Prince of Wales Hospital; Thursday, 25 July 2019
Kill or Update By: July 2024

